This month we completed our mesh and timestep sensitivity study and finished running simulations. We compiled the results into our report and passed it on to Eero, our advisor at TUAS, so that he could shorten it to a length suitable for it to be published in an Engineering Journal.
We also gave a final technical presentation at Elomatic which a vice president of the company, Ted Bergman, joined. He was more interested in the business aspects of the project and how our work could be monetised. This was interesting as we hadn't really considered that viewpoint while we were working.
Our two closest contacts at Elomatic, Kenneth and Bingzhi, both came to our final presentation at TUAS along with Eero. That presentation was focussed on both technical and project management work and was a nice way to round off our time in Finland.
At the end of the presentations we said our goodbyes to our advisors and friends and set off to celebrate the last night that all nine Strathclyde students were still together in Turku.
