At the start of this month we had our second project update meeting with Elomatic. We felt that this went very well and Elomatic were satisfied with the work which we are doing. At this meeting, Bingzhi revealed that he had found a paper which included a similar geometry to which we had chosen from the project SUSANA database. This had some more detail on the geometry and data on the flame velocities of the simulation.

We will hopefully be able to get results from ANSYS which we could then compare to this flame velocity graph of HYCOM mc026.

We created the geometry using solidworks and then meshed it once we imported it into ANSYS Fluent. We ran this in ANSYS with a small time step but quickly figured out that this simulation as taking too much time to run. We then decided to make an axisymmetric model to make the run time quicker.
At the start of the month, while we were creating this HYCOM mc026 geometry we also continued to simulate a very simple rectangular geometry as this took way less time to run. This was to try to get the simulation working and then we could hopefully apply these simulation parameters to our HYCOM mc026 geometry. We were still having issues with the spark as it seemed to spread rather than deflagrate.
As time was leaping on, we decided to stop working on the simple geometry and start working on the axisymmetric HYCOM mc026 geometry. We are currently still having issues with the spark- the size seems to be larger than specified and it often simulates as cold.

We had our first update meeting with Ari and the other Strathclyde students at the start of the month. We created a brief presentation which outlined the background of our project as well as what we were working on. It was useful for us to practice our presenting skills and to also learn about what the two other groups were up to.
Our goal for this month was to complete our interim report which was to be submitted to the university of Strathclyde by October 31st. This became a main focus for us as we went on holiday from the 11th until the 18th so lots of work had to be done around this. We successfully managed to complete this on time, and we hope that we receive a good mark!
Our November update meeting with Elomatic was moved to the end of this month. During this meeting we tested our lots of different simulation parameter combinations, encountering lots of errors along the way. It was suggested to change the gas to a compressible ideal one since one of the issues we were having was that we could not see a pressure wave in our simulation animations. We were also advised that our initial mesh of 5mm cells on the geometry was fine enough for what we were simulating, although we would need to do further mesh sensitivity studies to verify this.
Our next steps are to possibly try and use the ANSYS research license so that we could try finer meshes, as currently our simulations are taking a long time to run. We will also try to patch the spark again to see if there are any differences and change the gas to compressible.